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    World Teachers Day

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    By |November 7th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru World Teachers Day

      Rainbows Trip to CFR

      Rainbows went on their first trip this term to the Train Museum. They learnt how engines have changed over time, they saw old tools which were used to fix the railway, looked at pictures of train stations and equipment, illustrating the beginning of railway transportation in Romania. The most exciting part was actually going on […]

      By |October 3rd, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Rainbows Trip to CFR

        Story Teller: Adelina Toncean – Asociatia Inima Copiilor

        Adelina, representing Asociatia Inima Copiilor was our first Story teller this September. Adelina read the story Avocado Baby to Early Explorers – about a baby who grew very strong because he loved eating healthily. She also told them how she helps look after babies and children in hospital who have sick hearts. The children found […]

        By |October 3rd, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Story Teller: Adelina Toncean – Asociatia Inima Copiilor

          Health Fair 2017

          The annual Health Fair organized in Acorns garden is our call for a healthy lifestyle. Special thanks to our partners who offered our guests the opportunity to discover their healthy products and services: Raftul cu miresme – natural cosmetics with ingredients from Sri Lanka, Nirvana Yoga Romania -yoga classes for adults and children and nutrition […]

          By |October 3rd, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Health Fair 2017

            Cheese & Wine Social Events

            The Cheese and Wine Social Events organized in our nurseries were a very good opportunity for the parents to meet our team, as well as other parents. In both nurseries, we shared our theme for the year: “teaching happiness”. We offered parents information about how together, we can encourage children to develop a positive mindset, […]

            By |October 3rd, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Cheese & Wine Social Events

              World Heart Day

              World Heart Day is always an opportunity for the children to learn how to keep their heart healthy: serve healthy snacks with fruits and vegetables and exercise. The older children learnt about the importance of kind words and the effect they have on their heart.
              Acorns supports again Asociatia Inima Copiilor, who do wonderful work with babies […]

              By |September 30th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru World Heart Day

                International Day of Peace

                For the International Day of Peace, all the children were invited to wear white as a symbol of peace, kindness and friendship.

                All activities were created to teach the children the importance of using their kind words, being calm and peaceful when listening to relaxing music, as well as developing a “mindful” attitude (listening to the sounds in environment, paying attention […]

                By |September 30th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru International Day of Peace

                  Grand Parents Day

                  For Grandparents Day, children in Baby Acorns and Shiny Stars were invited to bring in a family photo which they shared in circle time and then used for a display.

                  Children in School Years were invited to bring a photo of one or more of their Grandparents – or even to bring a real Grandparent to the nursery

                  Grandparents accepted the invitation and […]

                  By |September 30th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Grand Parents Day

                    Activități relaxante și educative, la munte și la mare

                    Totul se schimbă în viața noastră odată cu apariția copiilor. Chiar și concediile. Devin mai colorate, mai vesele și mai active. Copiii au puterea de a ne umple de energie și bună dispoziție, iar o oră de joacă benefică pentru copii este un adevărat panaceu și pentru părinți.

                    Cum poate fi joaca benefică pentru copii?! Specialiștii […]

                    By |July 27th, 2017|BLOG, Resurse pentru parinti|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Activități relaxante și educative, la munte și la mare

                      20 de activități pentru o vacanță distractivă acasă

                      Dacă ești un părinte cu program de lucru încărcat, zilele libere sunt o bucurie reală și un prilej de distracție chiar și acasă. Timpul petrecut cu copilul este prețios de ambele părți, mai ales dacă optezi pentru activități recreative și, în același timp, educative.
                      Specialiști în educație timpurie ne spun că activitățile din timpul liber sunt […]

                      By |July 27th, 2017|BLOG, Resurse pentru parinti|Comentariile sunt închise pentru 20 de activități pentru o vacanță distractivă acasă