Jurnal Acorns

Ziua Dansului

La Acorns valorizam miscarea si ne place sa experimentam cat mai mult. De Ziua Dansului, copiii din Aviatiei au invatat pasi din diverse stiluri de dans si au explorat o metoda care ii ajuta in dezvoltarea motricitatii grosiere: dansul pe acuarela ! A fost foarte distractiv… inclusiv pentru adulti!

Copiilor din Rainbows si Early Explorers din […]

By |March 2nd, 2018|Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Ziua Dansului

Excursie la Tiriac Collection

Rainbows si Early Explorers au vizitat Colectia Tiriac unde au avut ocazia sa vada cum s-au schimbat autoturismele de-a lungul timpului si cum au fost reconditionate masinile vechi. Au fost fascinati de de toate masinile, in special de Rolls Royce roz care i-a apartinut lui Elton John si s-au distrat ascultand sunetele emise de diverse […]

By |March 2nd, 2018|Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Excursie la Tiriac Collection

Story Teller: Dean Edgar

One of our guest Story Tellers in January was Dean Edgar, owner of Moorcroft Services which provides relocation services for foreigners wishing to live in Romania.
Dean is one of our regular Story tellers and he enjoyed meeting the children now in School Years.

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Story Teller: Dean Edgar

Ski Camp

These little eskimos are the children from Acorns Nursery learning to ski. 🙂 Sport disciplines them, help them to defy their fears and this camp was also a big step for their autonomy.

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Ski Camp

Early Explorers Trip to Lemniko

Early Explorers went on a trip to Lemniko wooden toy factory, where saw how a piece of wood is cut, shaped and sanded into a toy and then they painted their own toy and took it home.

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Early Explorers Trip to Lemniko

Story Teller: His Excellency Mr. Paul Brummell

In Late January, we were honoured to have a very special guest in our nursery, as a guest Story Teller. His Excellency Mr. Paul Brummell, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bucharest, read The Gingerbread Man to Early Explorers. The children were so enchanted by the way in which […]

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Story Teller: His Excellency Mr. Paul Brummell

Australia Day

For Australia Day,  children learnt about this part of the world, about native animals, people, music and art. On this day, we welcomed Australia photos, souvenirs etc to help bring this day to life for the children.

Baby Acorns celebrated by exploring a sensory desert tray, filled with sand and Australian animals

Shiny Stars became aboriginal artists and created […]

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Australia Day

Penguin Awareness Day

For Penguin Awareness Day, children were invited to bring a penguin toy from home, to wear a T-shirt with penguins on it or to bring a penguin related book. Early Years learnt about how penguins look, move and eat while School Years found out where penguins can be found (their natural habitat), how they are […]

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Penguin Awareness Day

Winnie the Pooh

One of the cuddliest special day in Acorns is Winnie the Pooh Day, celebrated on the birthday of author A A Milne. Like every year, this occasion was marked with special activities featuring plenty of honey yellow on the menu. Children were invited to bring in their own teddy bears and share them with the […]

By |February 5th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Winnie the Pooh

Early Explorers Christmas Show

For their Christmas Show, Early Explorers played The Jolly Christmas Postman, in front of their families. They delivered the true meaning of Christmas with the help some very familiar characters: the Four Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, Mr. Dumpty etc.
Father Christmas came and enchanted the children with the presents he brought.

By |January 4th, 2018|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Early Explorers Christmas Show