Story Teller: Commander MacNally

Commander Neville MacNally, Military Attache at the British Embassy visited Early Explorers and he talked to the children about being in the British Navy, about the recent Remembrance Day and about the role of the British Embassy in Bucharest.

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Story Teller: Commander MacNally

Early Explorers Trip to Observatory

Early Explorers went on a trip to the observatory where they found out about the night sky, planets and how our planet is just a very small part of a huge galaxy.

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Early Explorers Trip to Observatory

Rainbows Trip to Oraselul Cunoasterii

Rainbows celebrated World Science Day by going to the Interactive Museum.
Here they  explored the City of Knowledge and discoverd the mirrors room, the sensory games, the electricity experiments, the water games and many more.

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Rainbows Trip to Oraselul Cunoasterii

Scottish Day

For this day, the children listened to the sounds of bagpipes, this being a common instrument played in Scotland, and danced to Scottish music. They created their own „Highland Gathering” by throwing foam balls and had a blue day – all children were invited to wear something blue, play with blue play dough, water, shaving foam […]

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Scottish Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is an annual event observed by British people around the world when we remember all those who have died serving their country in wars and the sacrifice that they have made. The symbol of this special day is the poppy, which is sold to raise money for war veterans.

In Acorns we have adapted […]

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Remembrance Day

Science Day

Science begins in the early years by investigating using all the senses and develops in school years as we encourage children to develop skills of observation, predicting and applying their knowledge to new situations.
For World Science Day, Baby Acorns made ramps from mattresses and they made a volcano in a pumpkin using vinegar and baking soda. […]

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Science Day

Story Teller – Rob Boussie

Rob Boussie, from the charity Light into Europe was one of our story tellers this month. As well as reading to the children, Rob also explained about the Bonfire Night event which he was helping to organize.

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Story Teller – Rob Boussie

Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night is a popular English celebration with fireworks and camp fires. Children from Baby Acorns pretended to be fireworks by making sounds with their body, jumping around the room, making loud noises and banging pots, while Shiny Stars made tea, sat around a pretend camp fire and sang their favourite songs and Rainbows made fireworks in […]

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Bonfire Night

Light Fair, Acorns Aviatiei

The event has a multicultural theme and children had the opportunity to experiment various activities representing Sweden, USA, China, Italy’s culture and others from popular Light Fairs around the world

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Light Fair, Acorns Aviatiei

Acorns Food Fair

Zilele trecute, cu ocazia Săptămânii Multiculturalismului, am organizat prima ediție a târgului dedicat mâncării, Acorns Food Fair. Părinții împreună cu copiii au petrecut o după-amiază minunată în curtea noastră și au degustat mâncăruri tradiționale aduse de parteneri: Bistro Dorobanti, Bao Van, Bohemian Bakery by Marieta Matache, Brutaria Concordia, Delicios de la Anita, Nirvana Yoga Romania, Sarang Hangug – 사랑 한국

By |November 7th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Acorns Food Fair