bonfire night

    Story Teller – Rob Boussie

    Rob Boussie, from the charity Light into Europe was one of our story tellers this month. As well as reading to the children, Rob also explained about the Bonfire Night event which he was helping to organize.

    By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Story Teller – Rob Boussie

      Bonfire Night

      Bonfire Night is a popular English celebration with fireworks and camp fires. Children from Baby Acorns pretended to be fireworks by making sounds with their body, jumping around the room, making loud noises and banging pots, while Shiny Stars made tea, sat around a pretend camp fire and sang their favourite songs and Rainbows made fireworks in […]

      By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Bonfire Night

        Bonfire Night

        Una dintre traditiile respectate anual in Acorns Nursery este sa incepem luna noiembrie cu aceasta zi speciala, alaturandu-ne comunitatii britanice din intreaga lume. Baby Acorns s-au distrat desenand focuri de artificii cu piciorusele lor folosind sclipici si vopsea. 

        Cei din Shiny Stars au realizat propriul lor display Bonfire lipind pe perete cuvintele boom, splash, explode, firework […]

        By |November 28th, 2016|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Bonfire Night